FIRST DRAFT DANCE - 8 new dance works
Sammons Center for the Arts, 3630 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas 75219
Fri., April 5 & Saturday, April 6, 2024 – 8 pm
Tickets $20 at the door or ticketdfw.com or call 214-870-5000
Featuring new works by:
Beckles Dancing Company, Mixtamotus, Alondra Puentes, Annalise Boydston/Sarah Tran, Alexandra Light, Sarah Matzke, Tina Mullone and Lori Sundeen Soderbergh.
Supported by Moody Fund for the Arts and The Halperin Foundation.
Co-presented by Over the Bridge Arts and Beckles Dancing Company.
Dancer image: Sarah Matzke by Anna Sneed
Design by Marcie Dodd