Art is for everyone, regardless of demographics or geography.
Just as it sounds, we bridge local performing arts together: music, dance, performance art, film, and spoken word.
Over the Bridge Arts is committed to:
Supporting new works and new artists from all genres by providing compensation and a platform for their work
Representing the community by including artists and audiences from all cultures, ethnicities, genders, generations and sexual identities
Creating a safe space for every person to share their voice
Lori Sundeen Soderbergh
Founder and Director
Lori is a director, producer, writer, dancer, choreographer, dance teacher and actress. She has choreographed professionally since 1986 and taught dance for 15 years in Stockholm, Sweden. Lori founded Over the Bridge Arts in 2017 and Burning Woman in 2018. She often explores social issues in her choreography, such as climate change, airport security, global pandemic, human rights and women’s rights. In the DFW area, her work has been shown at the Dallas Museum of Art, Sammons Center for the Arts, Bath House Cultural Center, Oak Cliff Cultural Center, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Arts Fifth Avenue, Arts Goggle, Hip Pocket Theatre, Sanders Theatre, and many more settings. Lori received her B.F.A in Modern Dance from TCU and her M.A. in Dance History from the Laban Centre in London.
Photo by @spccreative
Over the Bridge Arts Board of Directors 2024-25
Starla Patterson, President
Cristina Salazar, Secretary
Lea Zabloski
Kim Cobb